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Learning Offerings

Build the capacity to design for systemic change.

From inspiration to unlearning and practical application—helping you make forward progress no matter your starting point.

Ready to start learning?

We all have the capacity to design a better future, no matter if we consider ourselves designers or not. My learning offerings equips people of all backgrounds with the skills, knowledge and tools to design for positive change.

Choose what works for your team or enroll in public offerings over at the Academy in Design Changemakers. All offerings can be personalized to your team (or I could support you in creating your own learning experience from scratch!).
changemakers trained
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Interactive Talks

Design Changemaking Talk Series

Discover what it means to design for social and environmental change, why it matters and how to get started through a series of interactive talks.

Choose one or several that best appeal to your audience. Imbued with rich storytelling and interactivity, these will incite curiosity and inspire audiences to learn more.

Flagship Talks
Design Changemaking: Better Solutions, Better Workplaces and a Better World
How Narcissism Drives Bias and Inequity in Design
Design is Not So Human-Centered: Why Breaking the Status Quo is Imperative
Rethinking Benefits and Unintended Consequences of Design Decisions
Varies based on delivery (virtual, hybrid or in-person), personalization and size of organization.
Sandra speaking to an audience about power and privilege at the Service Design Global Conference
Best for teams and larger audiences looking to build awareness and understanding.

Design Changemaking Essentials

Deep dive into design changemaking through practical activities, lively discussions and a few other surprises. This is far from your typical workshop!

In this full-day workshop, your team will unpack the myths of human-centered design, understand why design for positive change matters, gain clarity on key concepts, and explore real-world applications.

Key Components
Half-day or full-day experience
The Grove:
Interactive case studies, discussions and exercises
Curated resources
Varies based on delivery, personalization and size of organization.
A group of designers working and discussing together using canvas paper, markers and post-its
Best for teams who want to move from awareness to first steps of practical application.
Learning Program

Design Changemaking Immersion

This 6-week program enables teams to embed design for positive change practices into their work. This means subverting oppression (such as harm and access barriers) and nurturing liberation (such as joy and safety).

Teams will walk away with a greater ability to disrupt patterns of bias, exclusion and inequity in their work and navigate mindset, culture and systemic change in their organizations.

Key Components
Online lessons, challenges and assessments
Practical live workshops
Peer-based learning
Robust tools and resources (Design Changemaker's Toolkit)
Private sessions: Varies based on delivery, personalization and size of organization.
Public sessions: Between $429 and $949 per person.
Two people pointing at the North Start with Design Changemaking Tools on their upper left
Best for teams looking to build deep capacity and push for change in their organizations.

About the educator

These offerings are filled with learnings, stories and best practices from my many years of practice — not only as a designer, but as an educator, advisor, coach and community leader in this space.

You'll not only find design practices here — you'll find nuggets of business strategy, change management, data analytics, psychology and innovation strategy drawn from my varied 15-year career.

An illustration of Sandra, a light-skinned dark haired Latina, holding an envelope with a heart on it

Let's connect

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