Chevron pointing up
A photo of a smiling light-skinned Latina woman with dark brown hair wearing a blue dress. She is set against a blurred background of different storefronts/
Hi! Bonjour ! ¡Hola!

Nice to meet you!

I'm Sandra Camacho (she/her). You can also call me Sandra By Design.

I left the "golden handcuffs" of Tech to pursue my dream to make real social change in the world — with and by design.

Today, I'm an inclusive & equitable design educator, consultant and strategist based in Paris, France. I'm also the founder of the Inclusive Design Jam, a community of practice, and Design Changemakers, a learning platform.

My mission

Enable changemakers to live true to their values and drive meaningful social change with the power of design.

My Values

Purpose before Profit
Pursuit of Social Justice
Cultural Humility


Dismantle oppression and social inequities across all aspects of business and society.

Working Style

Co-design approach that privileges collective intelligence while making room for slower-paced critical reflection.

"Sandra has an exceptional capacity for leading change. During her many years at Google, I observed her thrive as a leader, educator and facilitator, driving significant mindset and creative shifts in internal Google teams, large corporate clients and NGOs around the world. Her unwavering passion and proven ability to mobilize design as a vehicle for positive change make her an invaluable asset for any team looking to transform its practices and elevate its impact."

Google logo
Dr. Frederik Pferdt, first and former Chief Innovation Evangelist at Google and author of What's Next is Now: How to Live Future Ready

Featured in

My story: From Googler to social entrepreneur.

A photo of a smiling light-skinned Latina woman with dark brown hair wearing a black dress and dark brown leather jacket. She is presenting on a stage in front of a screen that says "What Marketers Can Do Today"

My journey begins in the Tech industry.

In 2010, I joined Google in the U.S. and was thrown into a lightning paced Tech environment where I had to fend for myself. Learning by doing and chasing after lofty goals became my mantras.

I soon became a swiss-army knife with a broad skillset. Consulting on digital strategy, analyzing marketing data sets, bringing digital analytics products to market, presenting at conferences, facilitating design workshops, and building learning programs — I did it all.

Bachelor's Degree, International Relations (Politics, Culture, Identity) and French Civilization at Brown University
Google Analytics Individual Certification
Google Ads Individual Certification
A photo of a smiling light-skinned Latina woman with dark brown hair pointing at a whiteboard with post-its.

Honing the art of human-centered design, facilitation and teaching.

I discovered human-centered design as a side project in 2012, which become the heart and soul of my career. It led me to design school in Paris and an education NGO where I experimented with social design.

It also helped me hone an innate talent: enabling people to grow and develop. Over 10 years, this has translated into 250+ virtual and in-person workshops, 25+ eLearnings and numerous learning programs and communities of practice.

Master's Degree, Design Innovation Strategy at Ensci-Les Ateliers
Certified as a Google Design Sprints facilitator
Trained in Liberating Structures at Greaterthan Academy

Leaving the "golden handcuffs" of Tech to pursue a social mission.

Google was a wild 8-year ride, sending me to 15+ countries across the world. But high pressure environments and unrelenting standards come with consequences. As I worked toward designing for good, I faced burnout and ended up in a team with a toxic culture.

Ultimately, my values and health meant more to me than the prestige and salary that comes with working at Google. I took the plunge to leave this "dream" company in 2018 and carve my own path in social impact.
A photo of a smiling light-skinned Latina woman with dark brown hair wearing a white and red dress locking arms with a Google android statute.

Why I left Google to start my own business

Read my story

All paths lead to designing for positive change.

My dream to design for positive change came to life when I took on the alias Sandra By Design and created my own consultancy in 2018. Without realizing it, I had been laying the foundations for this work for 15 years.

Over the years, I've learned that collective learning, community-building and activism are integral to driving positive change forward. 

This has led me to create the Inclusive Design Jam, a community of practice on inclusive & equitable design, in 2022 and Design Changemakers, an educational platform on designing for positive change, in 2023. The sky's now the limit!
An illustration of Sandra holding up a sign that says design for positive change

My lived experience drives my "why" and amplifies my impact.

I fight against discrimination and bias because I've lived it as a woman of color in Tech, a Colombian immigrant in the U.S. and a "foreigner" with an accent in France. But I've also benefited from privilege as a native English speaker with 3 passports, a light-skinned individual and a former Google employee.

These multi-layered experiences elevate my ability to build rapport with people from a variety of backgrounds. They equip me with the humility and know-how to adapt this work to different cultures. And they fuel my ambition — I want to use my voice and privilege to make real change happen.
An illustration of Sandra, a light-skinned dark-haired Latina carrying a globe with 3 flags highlighted: Colombian, American and French.

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